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2023 Masters Film Festival: Innovation into practice hosted by Dr. Robert Osher

The full one hour recording of the session is now available in the Masters group on eLos. If you would like to watch this showcase of knowledge and innovation again and hear from the moderator, Dr. Robert Osher, and the panel of experts: Prof. Khoramnia, Dr. Mertens, Dr. Ruiz Mesa, and Prof. Kaymak, the recording can be accessed here.

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WHEN: ESCRS 2023 | Saturday, 9 September | From 13:00 - 14:00 (lunch box included) 
WHERE: Room A3 

Introduction & moderationDr. Robert Osher
Optimizing efficiency and outcomes in a high-volume cataract environmentProf. Dr. Ramin Khoramnia
Exceeding the expectations of patients demanding a full range of vision 
- a view into a Center of Excellence
Dr. Erik Mertens
Spoiled for choice - An IOL selection case studyDr. Ramon Ruiz Mesa
Pairing Trifocal IOLs with complimentary light distributions 
- Randomized multicenter clinical trial data
Prof. Dr. Hakan Kaymak
Latest advancements in the management of childhood MyopiaProf. Dr. Hakan Kaymak
Q&A and closingDr. Robert Osher

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