Virtual meets in-person: HSO at SFO 2021
7,000 attendees, one of Paris’ most notable venues, and a line-up of ophthalmic leaders. It could only mean one thing: SFO 2021.
Unlike last year’s fully digital conference, Société Français d’Ophthalmologie were able to re-introduce some of the elements we know and love of in-person events. With a few social distancing measures in place, some speakers and attendees gathered in the Palais de Congrès in Paris from May 8-10th, while the rest of the attendees watched live from the comfort of their homes or offices.
To the virtual exhibit hall, we brought back our stunning 360° booth. Highly interactive and immersive, it was packed with downloadable content and videos about Vivinex™ multiSert™, Vivinex™ toric multiSert™ and Nanex™ multiSert+™.
The highlight of our time at SFO was our highly anticipated lunchtime Symposium on the 8th of May: How to Optimize your Clinical Results in Refractive Cataract Surgery.
It was chaired by Prof. Corinne Dot, with guest speakers Prof. Dominique Monnet and Dr Serge Zaluski.
Over 45 minutes, we were treated to the latest knowledge, data and advice on a number of topics, such as preventing PCO in cataract surgery, achieving success when treating astigmatism and patient selection criteria for presbyopia correction with a multifocal IOL.
Time was set aside afterwards for questions and discussion from any of the 200 audience members that logged on to watch. A big thank you to all of our speakers and participants for an illuminating event.
As wonderful as it is to showcase our IOLs at our digital booth, we think it’s much better to see the technology in the hands of surgeons. So the day after our hit symposium, we premiered a live surgery of Nanex™ multiSert+™. Dr Stanislas Roman, operating from Paris, implanted model NY1-SP.
We were thrilled to hear Dr Roman’s complimentary comments, highlighting the lens features and implantation options – he even remarked that our IOL was unanimously voted ‘best preloaded injector available on the market’ by KOLs. A truly glowing review!
For the eighth consecutive year, we were the proud sponsor of this year’s Prix SFO, in which ophthalmic surgeons submit e-posters summarizing their work in cataract surgery.
First prize was awarded to Dr Camille Guichaoua, of CHU Brest, Lorient, France. Her poster was entitled: Evaluation d’un implant à fixation sclérale sans suture/Evaluation of Sclera fixation IOL without sutures.
Second prize went to Dr Gilles Lesieur, of Centre Idris, Albi, France. His poster was entitled: Influence du design et du matériau pour une large série d’implants MICS sur le taux de laser Nd: Yag et le capsulophimosis : résultats à 10 ans/Design and material impact on a large panel of MICS IOL for laser Nd:Yag rate and capsulophimosis: 10 years results.
Judging was as tough as ever and we’d like to offer our congratulations to every entrant for the quality of work we received.
SFO isn’t quite over for 2021, either. There will be a one-day autumn SFO digital session on November 6th, so be sure to register for that – we’ll see you there!